2025 Manheim Community
Farm Show
October 6-10
Free Admission & Parking All Five days
2024 Premium Book is Complete.
Printed Books Coming Aug 21st!
Welcome to the best week of the year!
As summer winds down and the school year starts again, most of Manheim starts thinking about the Farm Show… it's that time of year! But for a lot of volunteers, the farm show is an almost year-round commitment. There are always bills to pay, grass to mow, buildings to maintain and rent out, and lots of meetings about what worked well last year and what needs to be improved for this year. And of course, the week before, the week of, and the week after Farm Show, the demand for more volunteers is huge. But we are blessed to live in a great community where someone always seems to say "yes" when there's a need. I can't say thank you enough to the many people who work together to make it possible. All those volunteer hours pay off when Farm Show week arrives and the grounds are beautiful, the pens are set up for livestock, the tents are set up for commercial exhibits, and on and on and on. And of course, there are the food stands. Many non-profits also reap the benefits of volunteers who work long days in the food stands to raise money for their cause and to provide great food to the attendees. A big thank you also needs to go the Manheim Borough and the Manheim Central High School for working with us in many ways. And a big thank you to everyone who enters exhibits and those who come to see those exhibits. When we see friends reconnecting while standing in line to enter something or standing in a food line, it's all worthwhile. It's all those relationships between friends and neighbors that make Farm Show Week the BEST WEEK OF THE YEAR!
Glenn Stoltzfus
President of The Manheim Community Farm Show
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